The department provides students numerous avenues to get involved in research, career advancement, and social change. The Sociology Club and the AKD International Sociology Honors Society offer students resume building, leadership, and volunteer opportunities. We are always busy talking about and working on new projects, and we welcome you to join us!
The Sociology Club is run by and for students. The club is open to all students, regardless of their area of study. Of course, we strongly encourage sociology majors and minors to become a part of the club. However, we have found those with even moderate interest in studying sociology enjoy the club because of our activities, organization, and social justice orientation. We actively work to make the world a better place, and we believe that by working together we can make a stronger impact than by ourselves.
Our organization is a mixture between relaxed and structured. We try to build a relaxed atmosphere where people feel welcome and can make friends. Everyone is given time to talk during our meetings, and we try to always offer refreshments. We are also structured. There is a president, secretary, treasurer, and faculty advisor. Having a committed few helps us keep moving ahead with our goals when the less-committed get too busy.
The last, and probably most important, part of our success lies in our activities. We have set up five main areas on our agenda: fundraising, volunteering, scheduling campus and community-wide events and speakers, sponsoring student research, and field trips. We have already made significant progress on these areas, and we welcome you to join us!
Find out more about the Sociology Club by emailing the Faculty Advisor, Dr. Kubal.
Each December, at a formal reception, the Sociology Department at California State University, Fresno is proud to honor seniors who qualify* for lifetime initiation** into the Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) International Sociology Honor Society. Each qualifying student is presented with a teal honor cord to wear at formal university graduation/commencement ceremonies.
The three Greek letters—Alpha, Kappa, Delta—stand for "Anthropon Katamanthanein Diakonesein," "To investigate humanity for the purpose of service."
*To qualify for initiation into Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD), the International Sociology Honor Society, students must have:
1. officially declared sociology major or demonstrated a serious interest in sociology within an official program at California State University, Fresno;
2. senior status (at least 90 units completed);
3. accumulated the equivalent of an overall GPA of 3.3 and rank in the top 35% of their class in general scholarship;
4. maintained the equivalent of a 3.0 GPA in sociology courses taken at Fresno State prior to initiation; and
5. completed at least four regular courses in sociology prior to initiation.
**Official Lifetime AKD Membership requires completion of a membership application and a $40 registration fee, payable to AKD.
To inquire about an AKD membership application, email the Faculty Advisor, Dr. Crowell.
AKD Faculty Advisor: